
Pericos - The Ritual of the Banana

The Ritual of the banana,
the ritual of the banana,
find the skin of ganja's.

Why don't you come to my house?
Why don't you come to my house?
We celebrate her arrival.

We have the new god Banana.
We have the new god Banana.
Religion is no longer of a man.

Why don't you come to my house?
Why don't you come to my house?
We celebrate her arrival.

We all be, big a monkey man.
We'll eat banana, night and day.
We'll invite every one to meet us
and we'll worship the big Banana Queen.

The Ritual The Ritual The Ritual Banana
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
The Ritual The Ritual The Ritual Banana
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.


Anonymous Anónimo said...

que buena esta letra! siempre la habia cantado en la onda "yuachu yuachu ieee...", como hacemos cuando no entendemos lo que dice.
si la habremos bailado, no?

9:14 a. m.  
Blogger Damiano said...

Creo que te referís a la canción de Piñón Fijo.

4:49 p. m.  

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